DApp in Market Place

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DApp in Market Place

Project Utilizes

This project utilizes Docker to simplify dependencies and deployment. After cloning this repo, follow the instructions specific to your OS to install and run whatever components are required to run docker and docker-compose from your command line. This is only dependency required to run Marketplace components.

Before startup, the REST API requires a configuration file to be created this project utilizes Docker to simplify dependencies and deployment. After cloning the repo, need to follow few instructions specific to your OS to install and run whatever components are required to run docker and docker-compose from your command line. This is only dependency required to run Marketplace components.

Before startup, the REST API requires a configuration file to be created at rest_api/config.py with sensitive security information and other settings. An example file is provided to illustrate what settings are available and how they should be used. To get started, you could simply copy this file into the appropriate location.

Centralized Marketplaces

Have some well-known issues which are almost all related to trust. It is incredible that marketplaces like eBay do work. We trust a complete stranger our money before he has sent any wished goods.People who have lost faith in humanity might be wrong.

This is a marketplace blockchain application built on Hyperledger Sawtooth, allowing users to exchange quantities of customized "Assets" with other users on the blockchain.

  • A rest api which provides HTTP/JSON endpoints for querying blockchain data
  • Transaction processor which handles Marketplace transaction logic
  • Ledger sync which writes blockchain state changes to a local database
  • SawbuckManager and an example client which uses Marketplace to create a loyalty point program that users can interact with through a simple web app
  • A shell with all of the dependencies necessary to run support scripts

ModulTrade aims at building a marketplace that enables global trade even for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Nowadays, blockchain is applied for the craziest use cases. But, why not using it for something as simple as a marketplace? Marketplaces can truly benefit from the power of blockchain as it’s build to create trust and transparency.

As global trade often involves a letter of credit, it’s a very costly operation. Banks take up to 10–15% for acting as an escrow between two companies, which is outrageously costly. ModulTrade is replacing this letter of credit with a smart contract version that can be applied to each transaction on the platform cutting time and costs for both buyer and seller.

At last, new niche marketplaces suffer the problem of marketplace liquidity. Large marketing budgets are spent on attracting buyers/sellers to the platform. It’s needed that they do such exhaustive marketing to grow a marketplace, but in the end, the buyer and seller pay the price as they have to pay a fee to the platform for each transaction.

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