DApp in Enterprise Resource Planning

Get DApp in Your ERP System to Blend Data and Reports of all the Operations, Into a Common Information Base.



DAPP in Enterprise Resource Planning

Project Objectives

Create an ERP system for ICO investors and entrepreneurs using blockchain as a transport medium and an unchanged storage environment to ensure transparency of ICO projects and automatic generation of analytical reports on all the investor / consumer parameters of the issuer's specific token.

Based on the created system and other ERP-systems, to develop and develop elements of the ecosystem of the tokenomics - built-in ERP distributed through both multicurrency and multi-token accounting, as well as a token trading platform equipped with AI bots that optimize trade transactions, Including those involving other tokens traded on exchanges.

Solved Problems

The development of tokenomics will require accounting of all transactions not only in the form of a general ledger, as in purses, but also in the sections of analytical accounting, generation of tax reporting, multidimensional OLAP analysis. At the same time, the very possibilities of blockchain technology - distributed accounting, the unchangeability of data in the blockchain, the rapid release of tokens, the possibility of direct settlements in them-create new business opportunities that are transparent to partners, investors and customers.

Issue and exchange of tokens allow to solve questions of financing of projects with minimization of attraction of "bank" money (ie expressed in currencies of various countries) money resources.

Thus, our project of the distributed ERP-system DARFChain will help not only solve the problem of transparency of ICO processes and post-ICO projects, but also lay the foundations of the digital economy ecosystem - "tokenomics."

why are we doing this? - what are the advantages of blockchain connection technology with erp-system?

Accounting in crowdprojects and control at the ICO and post-ICO stage.

Software complexes of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) acquired modern functionality as early as the beginning of the 2000s. Then the Material /Manufacturing Requirements Planning ( MRPI/MRPII) material management system, that work consisted in planning the distribution of material and financial resources, as well as production capacity, was supplemented with Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Product Lifecycle Management, (PLM) and supply chain management (SCM). The main advantage of the ERP-system was the possibility of using a single model of the transaction system, which can be used for basic operations and all current business processes in the organization, with any functional and territorial disconnection of production, financial, communication procedures. Regardless of the reason for their occurrence and origin, the system enables you to integrate data and reports on all operations performed into a common information base for subsequent system processing and obtaining generalized results in real time.

ERP-systems today

The world market of ERP-systems today is represented by giants - SAP (19%) Microsoft Dynamics (16%) Oracle and Infor (13%) - and various free and shareware systems like ERPNext, OpenBravo, Odoo, iDempiere and others. In total there are about 100 most advanced ERP systems in the world. It can be argued that today, the conduct of any sustainable business that needs to synchronize the activities of various units that are divided geographically or production (R & D, logistics, procurement, storage, personnel, intellectual property, etc.) is impossible without accounting, analysis and different levels Readiness of solutions, which are provided to the owners and management of ERP-system.

The emergence of the "digital economy", one of the symbols of which has become a blockchain, on the one hand, makes investing processes widely available for crypto currency owners, on the other hand, allow to take into account and even capitalize mutual trust between counterparties, making coordination between the company, its investors and clients as much as possible Symmetric and drastically reducing the market transaction costs, of which Nobel Laureate R. Coase spoke in his "Theory of the Firm." However, the famous Coase theorem did not cease to work, but, on the contrary, it confirmed its validity. With the advent of the capabilities of the distributed registry providing the power of attorney and the unchangeability of information, as well as smart contracts ensuring the automatic fulfillment of investment and consumer obligations, the crowdinvestor and the user can be organically included in the accounting and analytical processes of the borrowing company.

ERP system in blockchain

Transition to a distributed ERP system in to a blockchain system will make complex business indicators available to all participants in the market chain, while each will have its own level of access necessary to implement multilateral liability for transactions. For crowdinvestors, participating in the purchase of tokens of those startups, which dense mass recently go to the ICO, the presence of such a control mechanism in the code of the token, will indicate the readiness of the "digital" borrower to the necessary external control, which immediately dramatically increases the level of confidence in crowdinvesting, allowing them to raise significant funds in the ICO process. For example, the construction of a plant that produces either innovative products or uses innovative technology will attract a lot more investors if it puts in its tokens smart contracts that are executed when certain business indicators are fixed by the ERP system. And the transparency of its business provided by the enterprise, for example from the FMCG sphere, through the ERP code in the blockchain, will allow planning production, purchases and sales at a convenient time for all and in a suitable form, which means that the most competitive enterprises will be closer to the consumer and the investor.

Obviously, the realities of the digital economy will hit the business of audit advisers hard, making it also change, most likely in the very near future. Perhaps, auditors of the 21st century will become serious competitors of banks in the struggle for the right to provide escrow services in the ICO market. The banks themselves will have to change or die. The latter is obvious if one takes into account that bank lending in the digital economy is replaced by consumer lending in the form of pre-order payment, especially when the buyer sees where and what, according to the terms of the smart contract, its funds go. Therefore, banks will only have to enter into the token exchange and become exchange-accounting hubs that accumulate primarily liquidity.

blockchain-platforms with a distributed erp-system

Therefore, blockchain-platforms with a distributed ERP-system in them become tools of the actual "digital economy", or tokenomics. A system that allows businesses and consumers of its products / services to unite digital and non-digital assets in their activities without compromising the accepted accounting standard, and there is an ERP system on the blockchain. Thanks to it every "digital" entrepreneur, depending on the place in it (client / buyer or businessman / co-operator / enterprise), receives at his disposal a distributed calculation and analytical hub, which, according to the user's chosen settings, has all the necessary information about the growth of the start-up or the current development of the enterprise, which is embedded in the tokens listed on the exchanges, best take into account own assets and redistribute them depending on the demand (course) of digital assets - tokens, each x market participants.

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